Project Empower Circle

Co-founded a community organization for women and people of colour to share stories through art, writing, business features, and more.

Project Empower Circle

A space to tell stories and amplify voices of women and BIPOC

  • Co-founded Project Empower Circle, a platform for amplifying voices and stories of women and minority groups

  • We sensed a gap in conversations around the experiences of women and marginalized communities as they go through life.

  • Facilitate conversations and community-building events highlighting the work and stories of black, indigenous, and other women of color as well as LGBTIA+ story-tellers

  • Established a strong presence on social media platforms such as Instagram, LinkedIn, and organization website (with over 1000 followers across platforms), creating regular content on topics such as creating social impact, holding space, women-owned business journeys, and more.

  • Designed the organizational website, conducted Search Engine Optimization, and consistently maintaining and updating the website with new content


Health Promotion at Women's Shelters